摘要 v. abstract; summarize; excerpt; extract; epitomiz
noblesse n. 贵族阶级,贵族出身
词语 n. words and expressions; term。adj. lexical; verba
gallery n. 美术馆,画廊;(大厅的)楼座,楼上旁听席;(剧场中的)顶层楼座;阳台,露台
俱 adv. entirely; all; completely; equally。phr. in th
无法实行 be impossible of execution。
怀 n. bosom; mind。v. cherish; keep in mind; think of;
强度 n. intensity; depth; strength; pitch; level of int
实行宵禁 impose a curfew。
of course 当然:表示对某事的肯定或同意。
dome n. 穹顶,圆屋顶;半球形物,圆顶状物v. 变圆,膨胀;加穹顶(状物)于【名】
光怪陆离 idiom bizarre and motley; grotesque and variegated
镀铬 v. chromeplate; electroplate with chromium; apply
航路 n. air route; sea route; flight path; shipping lan
connector n. 连接器,连接头